the festival where feminism meets the practice and embraces the
everyday life is on its fourth year! Just like the previous years, this
year we are in quest of 'doing' things, supporting our creations,
producing, sharing, cooperating and having pleasure all together.
Against the perfectionist and professionalizing masculine temporalities
and profit hungry capitalist competition we are upholding an amateur
spirit while giving heed to producing without consuming practices such
as do-it-yourself as well as supporting creative ideas, never-heard-of
poems, never-performed-musical compositions, unsent letters and
uninscribed bodies. For a non-profit do-it-yourself Feministival:
-You can share your experiences and talents, organize or come up with ideas for workshops.
-You can offer technical support during the festival or cooperate.
-You can open your doors for the activites.
-You can accommodate those traveling from outside Istanbul at your place.