
Welcome to the Blog of Feministival, a non-profit do-it-yourself feminist festival which will take place in Istanbul, in June 2013.

feministival4 from MarIstanbul on Vimeo.

Volume IV is on the way...


Festival Guidelines

 1. Our goal is to create a safe and comfortable environment for every participant of the festival. We don’t accept any sexist, homo- or transphobic, racist and other discriminating behavior, as well as any harassment. People who do not act upon this principle will be excluded from the initiative. 

 2. Bagyanfest is non-profit-making and gets no financial support. Every assistance and solidarity counts. We believe that every helping hand contributes to make the festival more beautiful.

3.  All decisions made by the volunteers concerning the organization of the festival are based on consensus. We make our methods of work and information open to everyone. Notes of all the meetings can be found in Turkish and English in “meeting notes”. Any comment and contribution you would like to share with us will be discussed by the initiative and if everybody agrees on them they will be implemented. During the preparations as well as during the festival itself every form of comment, criticism and contribution is more than welcome. For contact: feministivalistanbul@gmail.com.