
Welcome to the Blog of Feministival, a non-profit do-it-yourself feminist festival which will take place in Istanbul, in June 2013.

feministival4 from MarIstanbul on Vimeo.

Volume IV is on the way...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

 Feminist Spelling

The main purpose of this workshop is to apply some feminist spelling in order to point the sexist, racist, militarist, homophobic, (etc…) expressions and expose them. Through this specific intervention, we will have a chance not only to raise awareness but also to create a converting effect.
The more poetry materials and the more intervention tools participants brig to the workshop, the more efficiency they would benefit. Simply, it would be perfect if participants bring one or two poems of a poet that they want to interfere with and some tools that they would use for this intervention (like scissors, glue, pens, safety pins and plenty of different stuff).
With enthusiasm and hope, the result works will be ended up in 'Cin Ayşe'

Drag King

A Workshop on the Experience of Masculinity
An acting, sharing and movement workshop based on social gender roles.

As the awareness of the fact that we experience our everyday lives within the confines of a “state of womanhood” defined by society and our criticisms on these get enriched by the books that we read, the movies that we see; we start to think about these states of womanhood. We sometimes conform to the framework of femininity that our society and other societies create, sometimes rise against them.

Does a body which practically gets out of gender roles, out of self-inflicted norms -albeit just for a day- become free, does the soul become free?

Would you like to distort our gender constructed through the costume and body language in order to try the 'other' alternative, to make discoveries on the road and to share them?

Would you like to take part in a 5-hour workshop to discuss our gender-related experiences and to transgress the limits that we set in our gender roles with breast binding, men's clothes, facial hair, movement for theater and pass that day as 'men' emerging from ourselves?


the clan called ‘’anything makes sound’’

it was fine before
scribbling on papers, knocking the toys
screaming and clapping
it was fine cause we were bold enough

‘‘Knowledge is steady within our brains and learning is recalling’’

Simply; you’re bringing the things that make sound (pots, marble balls, spoon, flute, wallnuts, these kind of stuff...) and we’re making the sound, playing with the sounds. Then we’re writing the lyrics on it and recording. Finally singing our clannish song around the fire which is not visible.

It was fine before, it is fine although we’ve grown up anyway!

In Motion Workshop activity, we are aiming to improve a new kind of awareness towards our own bodies, and by moving, we are also aiming to get rid of the bodily symptoms that we are accustomed to use in our daily lives. We would like to widen our discussion opportunities. To look for some other ways not only by talking but also moving, discussing, sharing and differentiating. It is all about not restricting our existence to the mind-centered system of thought, but to incorporate our body movement to our existence struggle.
In Motion Workshop activities, we mainly use “Movement Mode” method. This methods key is based upon the thought that every movement and every sound has a ‘mode’. In order to specify that mode, the common variables of the sound and movement are scaled. For example, while we are moving, we change the movement’s speed, fluidity and repeatability, and while we are singing a song all together, we try to sing it slower or faster, higher or lower. When we move with the “Movement Mode” method, we not only create a space to move in common, but it also creates diversity for everybody and their own individual movement courses. We hope to share this experience with you in Bagyanfest...


up to : 20 people
place: ............anywhere :))
duration: 2-3 hours (leave it flexible)
Has touching a certain texture ever turned you on? Have you ever fantasized to touch/ to be touched with this texture? What about these great shapes of objects that are part of our daily life? Shapes that provoke desires, wonders about what would be the best way to use it in a sexual context? Engaging devices made with textures we flirt with and by shapes that we feel attracted to, taking advantage of the material that we deal with/see everyday. We will have a chance to create some toys according to our wishes and imaginations instead of buying ready-made products from the known markets.
Bring yourself, together with some creativity, good humour and some object/ shape/ texture or what ever you want to share, the more we have, the better it can be… After an introductive talk about our curiosities, lets put it into practice and build up something to play with. (elastic-bands, synthetic grass, springs, electric tooth-brush, food, anything…)
Guerilla Gardening & Moss Graffiti

This meeting is arranged in order to have fun while making greener marks in our surroundings.
It is a green peaceful guerrilla attack.

Moss grafitti
In this meeting, we would like to use moss graffiti, so-called eco-graffiti or green graffiti instead of spray paint, paint-markers or other such toxic chemicals and paints.
We can go around with our green elixir, a moss “paint” that can grow on its own, and a paintbrush to either write on walls or paint the cutouts we can make from simple images- like stencil.
It can also be


Up to: 15 (can be more according to space and facilities we have)
Place: Somewhere we can have daylight or a couple of strong light sources, desks to work on.
Duration: 3 hours or more (can be two following sessions)
Props: Please bring magnifiers. Colorful permanent markers (the ones used to write on Cds are ok), indian ink, any transparent paints (like the ones used to dye glass) are also appreciated.
Ps. If you are highly allergic to chemicals like liquid bleachers, etc. this workshop may not be a good idea for you.
"Reality" [on the screen] comes from behind the spectator's head and if he looked at it directly he would see nothing except the moving beams from an already veiled light source.” Jean-Louis Baudry
Mainstream cinema has always focused on telling stories disregarding the fact that the material for the film is actually a combination of plastic and chemicals reflected from a projector. In this workshop, we will first talk about the representation of reality on the screen, and we speculate about how the mainstream cinema would be, if it had gone more towards to the field of plastic arts than literature. At the end of our discussions, we will be using super- 8mm film footage and deconstruct the image physically by simply scratching, coloring or erasing the image on the film. Later, we will project what we create and digitize it by our own means. We will have a “brand new” film.

Feminist Humor

There's a widely-accepted misconception that women just do not possess the quality of being funny. Especially feminists get constant criticism for supposedly "taking the fun out of everything", for "not being able to get the joke", for "not grasping the irony here" and last, but not the least, feminists are accused of "taking everything way too seriously". When we say "That's nothing to be laughed at," do we limit the possibilities of humor, or do we bore people because we're aware that the laugh in question will hurt someone? Does laughter have a gender? What things does feminism 'keep' us from laughing at, how can our discontent with the humor at hand help us expand it? In this talk, we're going to talk of all the funny ladies in our lives and the potential empowerment through humor. We're going to discuss what other qualities automatically come with 'being funny' when it's a woman who's being funny, we're also going to talk about what you possibly cannot be when you're a funny woman. We're going to talk about women actors, writers, columnists and cartoonists, and their many different experiences of womanhood. We're also going to try to discuss the humor we use of in daily lives, we're going to discuss how we make each other laugh. Basically, we're going to try to find ways of being able to laugh without betraying one's own kind. We'll watch some videos and laugh. We'll probably make fun of ourselves in the meantime, too.

This is a workshop about how to turn the autobiographical issues and everyday troubles into a writing’s subject. Just think that you have written, but can it be read by the others? Who is our reader, who should be? The basic thing we want to do to the reader is to make her/him “Say Whatever You Want to Say!”
We have got 4 days to write, read and play...