
Welcome to the Blog of Feministival, a non-profit do-it-yourself feminist festival which will take place in Istanbul, in June 2013.

feministival4 from MarIstanbul on Vimeo.

Volume IV is on the way...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Silicon Dildo Making Workshop

We can also do our own dildos ourselves With our desired shapes and sizes!
In this workshop we are going to cast our own silicone dildos by way of plaster molding. 
We will use food grade silicone, which is healthy and easy to clean. During the workshop we will mainly focus on two things: How to make a plaster mold and how to work with silicone. At the end of the day our dildos will be dried and ready to be used for the strap on workshop.

The material will be ready to use at the workshop space.
If you have a request for a special design, please tell us on your registration mail.

Participants: 15